Schroth DC Blog
Information to help treat scoliosis. Read for articles about the Schroth Method and how it can help stop curve progression and eliminate pain.
Are your Back Muscles Getting Infiltrated with Fat?
Fatty infiltration of back muscles, especially in scoliosis patients, is linked to sedentary lifestyles and can be reversed with exercise. The Schroth method, focusing on spinal muscle strengthening, helps prevent and treat this issue. Encouraging physical activity is key to maintaining spinal health and preventing atrophy.
We are BoneFit™ Certified! (Exercise for Osteoporosis)
“BoneFit™ is an evidence-informed exercise training workshop, designed for healthcare professionals and exercise specialists. It provides instruction on the most appropriate, safe and effective methods to prescribe and progress exercise for individuals with low bone density and minimize their risk of falls and fractures.
Active Versus Passive Scoliosis Treatments
Devices like inversion tables have flooded the market in recent years as the U.S.'s appetite for consumerism and quick fixes has soared. We think it’s important to address them as a unit to help you all distinguish between passive and active treatments for scoliosis.
Life After Scoliosis Surgery
Spinal surgery can be scary, but life after spinal surgery for scoliosis doesn’t have to be. In fact, we hope that life after scoliosis surgery (for those who need it) is actually better.
Exercise Is Always (part of) the Answer
Exercise is always (at least part of) the answer in treating disease, be it arthritis, asthma, anxiety, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, back pain, or scoliosis. We, as physical therapists, consider ourselves the exercise specialists.
Torso Re-Shaping: Adult Edition
When we work with adults who are profoundly “correcting” their posture and re-shaping their torsos we are metaphorically jumping up and down with joy. Because, like so often happens in medicine, even if the research isn’t holding up, the anecdotal evidence can be powerful.
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
As many of you know, we welcomed our third son, Cairo, about 8 weeks ago. As all babies do, they come out of the womb looking simultaneously perfect (to us parents) and a little funny to the rest of the world.
Medical Imaging Relevant to Scoliosis Care
Today we’re talking imaging – medical imaging – breaking down what types of images we use for diagnosis and treatment of those with scoliosis and kyphosis.
Bone Health and Scoliosis
If you are one of the many kids, adolescents, or adults living with and managing scoliosis, the importance of the health and strength of your bones cannot be overstated – we need to talk people!
Decoding Out-Of-Network Insurance Benefits
As I find myself late in my third trimester of pregnancy, needing many more healthcare services than I typically would, I realize that so many of my healthcare providers are out-of-network with my health insurance.
Bertolotti Syndrome and Scoliosis
Who is Bertolotti and what they heck is the syndrome named after him? This is a question I found myself asking earlier this week, after spotting a large bony abnormality on a patient’s x-ray.
What is Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis?
Most of our teenage patients here at SchrothDC have been given the diagnosis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). It’s fairly common: out of 100 kiddos, approximately 3 of them will be diagnosed with it.