Schroth DC Blog
Information to help treat scoliosis. Read for articles about the Schroth Method and how it can help stop curve progression and eliminate pain.
My On Again/Off Again Relationship With Running…. And Why High Impact Exercise is Imperative for Our Bones
Caroline Campesi shares her journey from a party-focused undergrad to a driven PT student who started running to fit in. After a hiatus, she rediscovered running as a tool for improving bone health, managing stress, and setting an example for her children.
We are BoneFit™ Certified! (Exercise for Osteoporosis)
“BoneFit™ is an evidence-informed exercise training workshop, designed for healthcare professionals and exercise specialists. It provides instruction on the most appropriate, safe and effective methods to prescribe and progress exercise for individuals with low bone density and minimize their risk of falls and fractures.