Schroth DC Blog


Information to help treat scoliosis. Read for articles about the Schroth Method and how it can help stop curve progression and eliminate pain.

Posture, Exercise Caroline Campesi Posture, Exercise Caroline Campesi

What Spine Type are You?

The Roussouly classification system categorizes sagittal spinal alignment into four types, which play a crucial role in both surgical decision-making and Schroth therapy for scoliosis. Understanding one's spine type allows for personalized exercise strategies that optimize posture, stability, and injury prevention.

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Schroth Method, Posture, Scoliosis Caroline Campesi Schroth Method, Posture, Scoliosis Caroline Campesi

Torso Re-Shaping

Ok, I know what you’re thinking…I’m going to try to sell you on some crazy contraption to the likes of the waist trainers that the Kardashians use and promote. Make some grandiose promises about body transformation that sound too good to be true…Not quite, although torso re-shaping can seem pretty magical.

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